
'Pași cu speranță' in Golești.

What does that mean?

This is Romanian, and it means: "Steps with hope” in Golești. Um...this translation still needs further explanation: Golești is a village in Romania, located around 120 km to the north-west of Bucharest.

'Pași cu speranță' is an organization founded by our friends, the Badalan family. Its project in Golești provides tuition for children on five afternoons every week. 'Pași cu speranță' has recently been taken over by Msinga e.V. as one of the projects which we support.


Project information

Location:                     Golești, 1260 inhabitants, a rather run-down village

Official opening:        1 October 2017

Currently about 20 children aged 6 to 10 are being taken care of. Many of these children are victims of abuse. All of them are offered tuition free of charge.

Regular afternoon schedule: Once all children have arrived they are served a snack. They are then divided in groups according to their grades and have time to do their homework, assisted by volunteers. Afterwards, the children take part in activities like singing, crafting or various games.

Project expenses: rent, electricity, firewood for winter, food products, handicraft materials, etc.

Prayer requests:

  • more Romanian volunteers to get involved in the project
  • extension of the project: for example, longer opening hours and the capacity to take in more children
  • to establish connections to/cooperation with the parents
  • for the hearts of the children to be touched so they do not end up in prostitution and/or human trafficking

We have many new plans for this project:  

  • Renting another part of the building (two rooms on the same floor, a larger one and a small one). We already spoke with the landlord, but a lot of work needs to be carried out in order to make that space usable. At the moment the rooms function as grain storages.
  • Preparing 3 or 4 washing machines in the main room for the poor mothers to do their laundry.
  • Setting up a social corner where tea and coffee could be offered to the people who come to do their laundry, in order to find ways to connect with them and bring them the Gospel.
  • Building a bathroom where children can receive a warm shower. Many of the children are very dirty and full of lice.
  • Planning to connect the house to the municipal water system and to build another sewage system for the waste water.
  • Repairing the fence and gate in order to secure the property.
  • Building a small playground with swings for the children.

We need your prayers for wisdom and guidance for future steps in this ministry in order to bless the local community by reaching out to them in practical ways as described above.
We are very grateful for everything that the Lord is doing and thank you for carrying these children and the community on your heart. We are also thankful for the financial support that the Lord provided through many people. This is a great blessing that enables us to go on and develop the project.

May the Lord richly bless you!