Update - emergency relief
by Matthias Lübke
a social worker asked us to help a family in need. We found a mother and her 5 children and one grandchild living in a very dilapidated, very small one-room house (about 9 square metres). Only one of the children was attending school, there was no furniture in the house and a total lack of hygiene. The children had hardly any clothes and what there was we had to throw away. The mother had a debt with the local spaza shop, which meant they had to travel to the shops in Tugela Ferry for basic daily necessities. We took tools and cleaning materials and helped the family clean up their home and yard, washing blankets and everything else. From our stock of donated clothing we took clothing for the mother and the children and bought school uniforms as well as one new outfit for every child. The 4 younger children are all back in school now. We have provided them with groceries for the past 2 months so that the mother could pay off her debt at the spaza shop. Going forward, we promised to provide them with 80 kg maize meal per month, so that the mother can use some of the grant money to buy building materials. Our dream is to have a 2 bedroom house finished by the end of next year.
... the way I see it Covid has done a lot of damage to us. When the first wave of infections came, we were all shocked and confused. But the first wave did not affect us much. We knew it was around, but it did not touch our church families.
But when it returned, it took away many of our members, and almost at the same time. Even those who did not really believe what they were told about Covid after the first wave, now experienced the impact first hand. Many people got sick and died. One could notice in the village that everyone was now wearing a face mask.
The schools were closed. When they were re-opened, the children could not all go to school every day. This had a profound effect on our children. They were at home with nothing to do, and often without supervision. Many children started smoking and doing different harmful things because of Covid. I have seen the same problem in different schools that, because of too much free time, many learners started smoking marihuana and doing bad things.
Another impact of Covid is that many people have lost their jobs. Even though not many people are dying of Covid at the moment, this problem remains. People are still wary because of what we have gone through...
... a hard-working team of 24 ministers who are working tirelessly to make all ends meet in the ministry with the help of God. Together we have managed to supply food to 300 needy families. The Church was happy to contribute for the van and fuel to distribute the food parcels to different places and villages. From the support from Germany, we also managed to buy 9 doors and 27 windows to prepare the school as we look forward to seeing the school serve its needed purposes.
... in our country, the suicide rate has risen a lot since covid19 appeared. Many people in our country lack perspectives. They do not know what to do. We would like to thank all those who have helped us to help and support families in need in this time of crisis.
The Msinga e.V. team would like to thank all donors who have enabled us to pass on help in such a way that it safely reaches the people in need.
We thank you!
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